Here is my new Journey... Spiritual thinking, quotes, videos, Art and everything related to it that talk to me and that I think it can touch your soul too... We are in a changing era; We need to take our life in our hands and stop living like robots! ...Feeling with our heart and live with Love ...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Book review

I read few books from Deepak Chopra;
This one I would never thought of reading it if it didn't catch my eyes at the library!
It's the kind of synchronicity that is really enjoyable...
So despite its title, this book is not only for teens!
I highly recommend this book to anyone who have some spiritual questions and for just everyone who wants to remember how the magic of life works!...
This book is so well written; easy to read with its short stories; each of this stories are real life lessons that everyone must think of it...
Thank you Deepak Chopra!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Today our family is celebrating 10 years in Canada.
It has been 10 years since we arrive on this beautiful land.
We Love living here;
We Love the nature and everything that makes this beautiful country our Home.
I also would like to remember the ancestors of this Land...


We learned that it is a good thing to be grateful...
I am grateful to have a great family;
I am grateful to have this nice house
I am grateful for this beautiful day...

and it can go on and on

But Gratitude is not only on the material level...
Don't forget to be grateful to BE !...

Be yourself and enjoy the present moment...

Thank You for stopping by :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Everyday you offer us
A Beautiful land
A Beautiful sky
A beautiful Ocean
A Beautiful Air

In our human body
We do not see all these beauties
With all the magic that they have
But if we watch them with our heart,
Suddenly we can see sparkles
Light and Infinite Beauty
Send your Love to mother Earth
Today and Everyday.

[painting by Linda Gadbois - 'Creative Transformations]

Thursday, April 21, 2011

May 21st 2011

In one month... (but I don't know why, I feel it's today!)...
You might heard a lot a things about this date; Some said that is the return of the Christ;
Other said that is doom day and others that is the second day of the 9th wave in the Mayan calendar and more...
Whenever it can be it's a beautiful day to connect yourself with the divine and step forward in your spiritual path.
Light a candle, meditate and be in peace; Connect yourself with the Universe and you will feel what's really happening in your heart.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fear vs Love

When we analyze our fears; Does they even make sense?
They are created in our mind and make bumps on our road.
Now each time you'll face one of your fear, try to find the source of it and by understanding it; it will magically disappear.
There is No fear to have...
Instead, if you Love everything; fear cannot come.
Be confident in yourself, be confident in your life...
Love everything with unconditional Love and fears will disappear...then you can walk with peace on your way to enlightenment.
[Photo courtesy by ljangphotography]

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Energy and vibrations...

Everything is energy; We all vibrate at a different frequency.
 To increase our vibrations...

Surround yourself with things that you like will help you raise your vibrations and positivism...

I can watch this over and over again:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bad day...

Bad day or empty day are days that you don't like to have for sure!
But they are here for a reason and we usually denied these days because they aren't positive throught our eyes!
Now we have to watch those days with another point of view; They are here to help us to learn something.
Yesterday was a 'kind of an empty day' for me but I realized that I wanted to go too fast!
We need to do little steps and one little step at a time...
Step back and analyze your 'bad' days; What can you learn about them?
They will come back over and over again till you learn that lesson; so better learn it quickly!...
Calm down, relax and watch your life with the eyes of a stranger; You might find some keys to your problems!...

Monday, April 11, 2011


We are never happy with what we have; Always wishing for something else; but when we reach this 'something else' we still are not happy!...
We have to learn to be happy with what we have;
What we have now is a lesson to learn in order to go ahead and reach something else.
The happiness is Here right now.
Not always easy, I know.
We have to understand our lesson, learn it and apply it to our life.
We want some change to reach our happiness!; we are the only one who can make this change!
Sometimes it's also good to step backward to have a better view of our life, and a better view of how to go over some little bumps!
Find your inner balance, find your happiness in the Now...

[Moraine Lake, Alberta, Canada]

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Starting your day.

How do you start your day? Still sleepy searching for coffee to awaken you? or awake and rushing in the day?.
Both of this choice are not a good start of the day!
We need to get rid of our old habits in order to be more spiritual.
You need to take the time to feel that your spiritual body is fully back with your human body.
You might have some glimpse of your dreams (You can write them down if you want, it's a good habit!)...
Try not to plug your thinking machine right away (Yes, your brain is a thinking machine!);
Feel the energy around you and let them guide you for the day.
I know, we all have a tons of plans for the day, but try to forget them and let the day flow;
Do one thing at a time; focus on one of them without thinking of the others;
If you are lucky to see a nice sunrise, take the time to enjoy it; take energy from it;
Be peaceful and calm.
Enjoy the beauty of mother earth; Enjoy the simple little things that you see every day like some birds flying, the shape of the clouds...
Feel the energy inside you and let it flow.
Please don't rush on the journal, television, radio or internet news! don't feed your pain body but feed your compassion and love.
Our life is just a way to think and you can change it.

Have a wonderful day!

[First 2011 Calgary Sunrise]

Friday, April 8, 2011


Angels are real...
Some don't like to name them that way; so let say "light beings".
Each of us also represent them in their own way; I like to think of them of peaceful and loving light beings.
If you are in peace and relaxed, you might feel a warm feeling around you; this is the vibration of your guardian angel; My angel told me last night that is not the vibration of your guardian angel but your own vibration (I will talk about our different bodies later).
He/She is always here for you.
Since I was little, I am used to thank my angel each day for the day I just had, thanks for everything that happened and I ask her for help for my night and next day. Try it!
You will feel secure and loved more than you think!...
Talk to your angel; thanks them and love them back...

Positive Thinking...

This one might give you a smile (and That's good!):

From today on, I will welcome my white hair as Angel hair!...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spirituality Video

Art and music

Art and music can uplift, relax and create peace in yourself;

Here is one of my favorite music video:

Starting point!

Today I want to stop doing and start being.
We never learned to be, always learned to do.
But being doesn't mean don't do anything!
Being means be connected with yourself and enjoy your everyday life.

[picture taken by my daughter - 2010: Flying a kite]