Here is my new Journey... Spiritual thinking, quotes, videos, Art and everything related to it that talk to me and that I think it can touch your soul too... We are in a changing era; We need to take our life in our hands and stop living like robots! ...Feeling with our heart and live with Love ...

Friday, September 7, 2012

All about learning - Life lessons

What's our life about?
What's our life purpose?
I am sure you ask yourself the question at least once in your life! Don't you?
and sometimes we don't have a precise answer...
Because we need to ask ourselves intermediate questions...
- What do I like to do? (Will bring you a hint of which area to direct your life; note that it can change during your life time)
- What brings me bliss, happiness? (It's important to seek for those and to be in harmony with yourself and to be in your vortex)
- How can I help others?...
For this last question you need to learn to know, to accept and to Love yourself first.
This journey can take few years of our life!...
It's all about learning.
We came here to learn a specific lesson...and maybe to help others.
We often want to get things quickly but the thing is that we have to make baby step at a time and enjoy the journey!.
Enjoy the present moment; There is always something to learn in the present moment that we cannot understand if you look ahead or in the past.

I wish you a wonderful trip into your life!

[I dedicate this post to Sophia]