Here is my new Journey... Spiritual thinking, quotes, videos, Art and everything related to it that talk to me and that I think it can touch your soul too... We are in a changing era; We need to take our life in our hands and stop living like robots! ...Feeling with our heart and live with Love ...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Did you ever experience a wonderful orchestra music?
They are all in harmony, resonate and create a huge positive energy field.
We are capable of reproducing this kind of uplifting and changing energy by tuning our Heart energy that you can call LOVE all together... Let's give back to Love his true meaning and reality!
Let's be a musician of life and create a new reality...
Meditate and re discover your real essence...


  1. Hi there! Glad to see you're still around and giving us inspirational videos to watch! I haven't watched this one yet, but I will. Thanks for being you!

  2. Thanks Primal Painter for stopping by!
    You know I don't have all the vocabulary to write some long post and I 'feel' the life more than I talk about it!
    So when I feel a good video, I like to share it!...
    Look the other posts with videos too!...
