Here is my new Journey... Spiritual thinking, quotes, videos, Art and everything related to it that talk to me and that I think it can touch your soul too... We are in a changing era; We need to take our life in our hands and stop living like robots! ...Feeling with our heart and live with Love ...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

2 Suns...

I love watching and admiring Sunrise...
and Today (January 19th 2012) I have to take picture of it and look closer... Don't you see 2 suns?

Some will have scientific explanation...
I think we see what we want to see!

What do you think?


  1. Wow, it really does look like two suns. I read somewhere that Atlantis had what appeared to be two suns. Great pics!

  2. Thanks Primal Painter...
    There is some video on youtube that explain that 80% of solar systems have 2 suns... Why not ours?!
