Here is my new Journey... Spiritual thinking, quotes, videos, Art and everything related to it that talk to me and that I think it can touch your soul too... We are in a changing era; We need to take our life in our hands and stop living like robots! ...Feeling with our heart and live with Love ...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Finding your inner Peace.

We are in December 2012, approaching this crucial date that so many have put fears on it!
My point of view is that it's only the end of a big cycle;
A change in good...

Instead of trying to find the truth about this event, you can find it yourself.
I recommend any kind of meditation to calm down your mind and to put yourself in your heart.
Where you can find all the answers you need!

Finding your inner Peace will help you to feel the growing energies all around us and realizing that something is really changing.

Relax and awaken.
Ask yourself if what your are doing ;Is it really what you like to do?
Does it really serve you to grow?
It's time to change's time to tune our vibrations with what we came for.
Let go of all things that you don't like in your life and focus on what makes you happy, make you vibrate...

I wish you the best time of your life!...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

21 day Meditation challenge

Today I'd like to invite you to join million of people who participate in the Chopra center 21 days Meditation challenge.
Either you are new to Meditation or need to re-connect with it it's a great opportunity (and it's Free!)


and join us for enhance your life with abundance and peace.

Each day you will get a very helpful guided meditation that will help you re-center your true nature and feel peace in your life.

Friday, September 7, 2012

All about learning - Life lessons

What's our life about?
What's our life purpose?
I am sure you ask yourself the question at least once in your life! Don't you?
and sometimes we don't have a precise answer...
Because we need to ask ourselves intermediate questions...
- What do I like to do? (Will bring you a hint of which area to direct your life; note that it can change during your life time)
- What brings me bliss, happiness? (It's important to seek for those and to be in harmony with yourself and to be in your vortex)
- How can I help others?...
For this last question you need to learn to know, to accept and to Love yourself first.
This journey can take few years of our life!...
It's all about learning.
We came here to learn a specific lesson...and maybe to help others.
We often want to get things quickly but the thing is that we have to make baby step at a time and enjoy the journey!.
Enjoy the present moment; There is always something to learn in the present moment that we cannot understand if you look ahead or in the past.

I wish you a wonderful trip into your life!

[I dedicate this post to Sophia]

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Enjoy the nature in the blooming season

Summer brings so much energy, Joyce and happiness into our lives.
The nature is blooming to his maximum and offer us all we need:
- The sun energy
- Fresh fruits and vegetable
- long days...
and everything feel so alive...
Open all your senses and enjoy the colors, the smell, the birds singing and everything around... Open your heart!...

I encourage you to re unite with nature; Take a walk in the park, wood, beach, river, wherever you can and connect your soul to what the nature has to offer;
You will feel energize and maybe out of this world of craziness!
Then search for it more and more to balance your life and body with the life energy. That will guide you through different steps on your own awakening...
Enjoy the journey, enjoy the ride!

Isn't Nature fill with beauty and calm energy?
This is also our own state of being!...
Just think of it...

Let go of all your stress and 
Be yourself...Enjoy your life...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The unseen energies,,,

The Months went fast!
This year is definitely a year of changes!
We each have our own path, our own journey but some parts are similar.

Today is June 5th; Few of us have experienced weird feelings (from headache to kind of shaking like being in a ride!)
Venus passing across the face of the sun creates a change in the electromagnetic field and we can feel it;
It works or our DNA change and consciousness.
We are not prepare to this change but we have a great tool that we can use to go through this experience; this tool is LOVE... True Love, unconditional Love (focus yourself in your heart chakra ).

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Food for your soul.

Once your change your thoughts, another thing to change is what you put in your body! : Food!
Food has a very strong importance in our life; Especially comfort food. We use food as reward, festivity and more. But you need to realize that your food is the fuel that nourish your body with. If you give good fuel, you'll get a healthy and balance body; If you give junk food to your body, you will feel it. It's a conscious choice.
The more alive (raw) food you give to your body, the more Energy you'll get.
It's time to awaken to this side of our conscious evolution!.
Try to eat more raw fruits and vegetables, smoothies, salads etc... and be aware on how your body react to them compare to cooked and junk food.
If you are interested to go farther in raw food, I invite you to visit my Squidoo Lens.

Enjoy your Food awakening!

Yes, this tart is entirely made with raw ingredients!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Change your thoughts, change you life

I have to share this awesome video from Dr Wayne Dyer:

there is 5 video in total...
You'll find the part 2 to 5 in the videos from the same channel
(I cannot feature it here for some reason!)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Human evolution

We can see, hear and feel it everywhere...
Each and everyone of us is doing his own evolution in his own way.
More and more people are awakening; our economy, healthcare and political system are collapsing.
People turn back on Nature and simple things.
We have been manipulated and we live in a world of lies...

To many myths and wrong knowledge have been taught.

Just stop on food (Big topic)... but more and more people become vegetarian, vegan ...

And some people have been able to be in balance with all of their 'bodies' to even not need food to live;
They are living on Prana nourishment.

Few videos on the subject are available, check them out and I wish you a wonderful spiritual journey!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

2 Suns...

I love watching and admiring Sunrise...
and Today (January 19th 2012) I have to take picture of it and look closer... Don't you see 2 suns?

Some will have scientific explanation...
I think we see what we want to see!

What do you think?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Did you ever experience a wonderful orchestra music?
They are all in harmony, resonate and create a huge positive energy field.
We are capable of reproducing this kind of uplifting and changing energy by tuning our Heart energy that you can call LOVE all together... Let's give back to Love his true meaning and reality!
Let's be a musician of life and create a new reality...
Meditate and re discover your real essence...

Friday, January 6, 2012

More awakening!

The Law of attraction bring me more and more puzzle pieces to this journey!

Books, videos, little details of the life, dreams... they all turned to a big same picture!:

One of the sentence of a book a read is "Heal your inner child if you want to awaken"...

Now lets watch this video!: