Here is my new Journey... Spiritual thinking, quotes, videos, Art and everything related to it that talk to me and that I think it can touch your soul too... We are in a changing era; We need to take our life in our hands and stop living like robots! ...Feeling with our heart and live with Love ...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Finding your inner Peace.

We are in December 2012, approaching this crucial date that so many have put fears on it!
My point of view is that it's only the end of a big cycle;
A change in good...

Instead of trying to find the truth about this event, you can find it yourself.
I recommend any kind of meditation to calm down your mind and to put yourself in your heart.
Where you can find all the answers you need!

Finding your inner Peace will help you to feel the growing energies all around us and realizing that something is really changing.

Relax and awaken.
Ask yourself if what your are doing ;Is it really what you like to do?
Does it really serve you to grow?
It's time to change's time to tune our vibrations with what we came for.
Let go of all things that you don't like in your life and focus on what makes you happy, make you vibrate...

I wish you the best time of your life!...


  1. In a mental journey there is also a destination. Our mind will come to dwell on something. It might be the ideas of wise men who lived centuries before us, like Socrates or Aristotle. Our mind will travel to the time when they had these ideas. It is a destination in time, back to the time of the men and women who produced the ideas that we want to dwell on.

    shim sung information
